I have recently been diagnosed with POTS after many trips to the ER due to my symptoms, many misdiagnosises, and missing an insane amount of school. My doctor has recommended that I register with disability services at school so that they can help me and I won't be penalized for missing classes when my symptoms are really bad. ODS asks a bunch of questions when you register, and I'm not sure what to tell them that I need. Living in Texas means that walking to class is awful, and many times I have missed due to fainting, dizziness, nausea, or abdominal pain. I will tell ODS that it is hard for me to make it to class sometimes, but as I'm not yet familiar with my symptoms or how to cope with them, I don't know how to ask for help. Are there any other limitations that I should make ODS aware of so that I can get the most help available to me? If any of you are in college or attended college after receiving your diagnosis, what have you found to be helpful, and what challenges did you face as a college student with such a complicated illness? Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated, I am very new to this and I know nothing. Thank you!