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Why avoid drinking alcohol while you are taking prednisone.?


endlessPred 14 Sep 2014

The use of alcohol with prednisone usage has multiple reasons to avoid it. Depending upon what is the dose or nature of inflammation treated, prednisone by itself has numerous problems through out the body and mind that may cause damage or even psychosis. Using alcohol with it will,place additional stress on the kidney and liver, heart, blood pressure, depression and other systems and behaviors. This includes pancreatitis, heart and kidney diseases as well as high blood pressure and high blood sugars. Please discuss with your physician.

Also be aware that it can be very dangerous to stop suddenly and can cause both physical and mental problems. In other words one is ill, heart or organs may start to fail and severe psychological responses may occur. Symptoms are treated by restating the dose and slowly tapered after recovery. This drug is not given lightly and not to be adjusted or changed without the supervision of a physician.

If it is a brief course, a week without alcohol should not be an issue. If it is long course or over 20mg per day, it is essential to remember that its effects can remain in the body for weeks and even a year after taking it. corticoid responses may also be severe and affect the adrenal system.

Votes: +2
Delila 14 Sep 2014

Great answer! Very concise and informative : ) free discount card

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prednisone, alcohol

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