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Celebrex: Use in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Heart Precautions

Use of Celebrex and other NSAIDs for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and heart warnings

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Celebrex: Therapeutic Uses and Dosing

A discussion of which conditions Celebrex is used to treat, how it works, and dosing tips

Celebrex: Stomach and Intestinal Side Effects

A brief overview of the stomach and intestinal side effects and related cautions that may occur with all NSAIDs, including Celebrex

Endovenous thermal ablation

Video showing endovenous thermal ablation procedure to treat varicose veins.


Beneath your liver and behind your stomach, you have a fish-shaped gland called your pancreas. The head of the pancreas, on the right side, is connected to the small intestine, where most digestion takes place.

Gemtesa: Uses, How It Works, and Common Side Effects

Gemtesa tablets are used to treat the symptoms of overactive bladder in adults, to help to improve urinary frequency and urgency. It also helps with urinary incontinence which is when you have a strong need to urinate with leaking or wetting accidents.

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