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Email Support

Instructions for popular email service providers:


  1. Sign in to your Gmail account and click on the square-like Google Apps icon (9 dots) on the upper right corner of your Gmail inbox.
  2. Click "Contacts" in the dropdown list, this will open the Gmail contact list page in a new tab.
  3. Click the "Create Contact" button and add into the email field.
  4. Click on Save.

Repeat these instructions for

Microsoft Outlook

  1. Go to your Contacts.
  2. Click on New Contact in the top toolbar.
  3. Add into the email address field.
  4. Click on Save & Close in the top left of your window.

Repeat these instructions for


  1. Go to your Contacts tab at the top of your screen.
  2. In the left menu, select "Safe List".
  3. Add into the required field.
  4. Click the Add button.

Repeat these instructions for


  1. Select the Address tab in the top-left of your account screen.
  2. Select Add contact under the Address tab.
  3. Add to the email field.
  4. Click on Save at the bottom.
  5. On the confirmation screen, click Done.

Repeat these instructions for

  1. In your account, click on the Address Book link in the left menu.
  2. Click on Create Contact.
  3. On the Add Address screen, add to the email address field.
  4. Add to the Nickname field.
  5. Click on Save.

Repeat these instructions for

AOL Version 9.0

  1. Select Mail from the menu and click on Address Book.
  2. In the Address Book pop up, click the Add button.
  3. In the New Contact window add into the "Other E-Mail" field.
  4. Make this the Primary E-Mail address by checking the relevant checkbox.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. If you are an existing subscriber and are seeing messages in your spam folder, open the email and click the "This is not Spam" button to move them to your Inbox.

Repeat these instructions for


  1. Log into Web mail.
  2. In the left menu, click on the Address Book.
  3. Click on Add Contact.
  4. Go to the General tab and in the box under Email Address, enter
  5. Click on the Add button.

If "Restrict Incoming Email" is enabled, do the following additional steps:

  1. Click on Preferences.
  2. Click on Restrict Incoming Email.
  3. Select Allow email from addresses listed below.
  4. Add to the list.
  5. Click the Add button.

Repeat these instructions for

  1. Open your address book in the browser by clicking on the Address Book button.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter into the email address field provided and then click OK.

Repeat these instructions for

Mozilla Thunderbird

  1. Click the Address Book button.
  2. Select the Personal Address Book if it is not already selected.
  3. Click on the New Card button which will launch a new window.
  4. Select the Contact tab and enter into the email field.
  5. Click on OK.