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Can ketoconazole be used for treating psoriasis?

3 Answers

Lech12 22 Jan 2023

No. Some forms of psoriasis feature a fungal infection sequela, in which case it could be a small help. Having said that, ketoconazole could act as a trigger for several types of compromised areas, as well as changing the skin biome unfavorably

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mandysimpkins414 24 Feb 2014

I suffered from psoriasis too, but I was cured now. It was bad, and makes me very unhappy. I live in China. Here we use Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat skin problems, I went to many hospitals like this and tried many different treatments, but the effect is not very good until I went to a hospital in the North of China. It works, and now I am a happy person again, I am glad to share this with you, you may not able to go there, but you can talk to their doctors for advice. you can find more information on the website of vitiligotcm.

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rockabillyvenus 5 April 2015

I would rather die than use a medicine an animal had to suffer mercilessly for, and many "traditional" chinese medicines and products are made with a flagrant disregard for animal welfare and an utter lack of humanity.

anaja51 13 Dec 2017

Rockabillyvenus, what an utterly ridiculous statement. I'm an animal lover but let's face it, a human life is infinitely more significant than an animal's. Sorry. The "use" of an animal's life to ease human suffering unequivocally aligns with the natural order of things- and it's absolutely right and animals are one of nature's most beautiful resources for us to use in healing the sick.

kaismama 11 Sep 2013

No it won't. That's for a fungus, psoriasis is an auto immune diesease.

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airellewolf 10 Jan 2014

It works very well for mine . It disappears within days of use on small patches. Great for my face.

kaismama 24 Feb 2014

Then you don't have psoriasis, you've got a fungal infection. Ring worm can look like small patches of psoriasis.

Mganderson76 21 Dec 2017

This is very inaccurate. It's often used in scalp psoriasis shampoos. Just because it's used to treat fungus doesn't mean it won't work on other conditions. Yes it's an autoimmune condition, but you can treat and ease the psoriasis without taking autoimmune suppressants. And ketoconozole works for many people. free discount card

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psoriasis, ketoconazole

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