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Does Clindamycin cause yeast infections? What do you do for the side effect of vaginal itiching?


kaismama 31 March 2013

First of all, the itching isn't a side effect. Any antibiotic can cause the conditions that are favorable for yeast to grow. The itching is a symptom of the yeast infection. Any otc cream like monostat should get rid of it. Do not stop the clindamycin until you have taken all the pills. You can treat the yeast infection while you are taking the med. The creams also ease the itching.

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CS1976 24 May 2013

You are correct that any antibiotic can cause the conditions that are favorable for yeast to grow. I was taking Flagyl which is an antibiotic and I got a yeast infection, today I started taking Monsitat 7 and then about an hour later I was very irritated causing my vaginal area to itch, I would like to know if that is nornmal? free discount card

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infections, clindamycin, side effect, yeast infection

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