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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Vomiting in Infants

Vomiting sometimes is a sign of serious illness.

Do any of the following statements describe your baby?

  • He has a fever (a rectal temperature reading of 100.4F or higher).

  • His stomach looks swollen or hard, and is painful to the touch.

  • He is acting like his head hurts (touching it, holding it) or he is having difficulty moving his head.

  • He is refusing to drink or eat.

  • He hasn't had wet diaper for more than six hours.

  • He has not had a bowel movement in several days.

  • He seems extremely tired or weak.

  • He seems confused.

  • He is very cranky (irritable).

  • He has dark red spots on his skin that don't get paler when you press on them.

Yes, my baby has one or more of these symptoms.

No, this does not describe my baby.

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