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Scientific Name(s): Vinca minor L.
Common Name(s): Apovincaminic acid, Cavinton, Creeping myrtle, Ethylapovincaminate, Kavinton, Small, common, dwarf, or lesser periwinkle, Vinpocetine

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Jul 26, 2024.

Clinical Overview


Vinpocetine is used to enhance memory and increase brain metabolism. It has also been used for ischemia and reperfusion injury, and is considered a neuroprotective agent. However, there are few robust clinical studies to support the use of vinpocetine in stroke, dementia, or other diseases of the CNS.


Most clinical studies have used between 5 and 30 mg vinpocetine given up to 3 times daily due to a short half-life (2 to 4 hours).


V. minor whole plant or extract is potentially contraindicated in constipation and hypotension.


Avoid use. Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Traditional uses for lesser periwinkle include antilactagogue and emmenagogue.


Caution is warranted in patients on anticoagulant medications.

Adverse Reactions

Vinpocetine is well tolerated. Minor adverse reactions include facial flushing, dry mouth, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, and indigestion.


None well documented.

Scientific Family


Vinpocetine is synthesized from the alkaloid vincamine, which is extracted from the leaves of the lesser periwinkle plant V. minor L. In the United States, the plant is commonly referred to as myrtle or creeping myrtle; however, this is misleading as myrtle normally refers to the true Myrtus species (Myrtaceae Family). The shrub is used as ground cover, and bears single, violet-purple flowers. The 2.5 cm long fruit contain numerous tiny seeds. The plant differs from its relative Vinca major by having smaller, leathery leaves with a hairless margin.Leung 2003, USDA 2014


Vinpocetine was first synthesized in the late 1960s from vincamine and has been sold under commercial names, such as Cavinton and Intelectol, since the late 1970s. Vinpocetine is primarily promoted for use in cerebral disorders of vascular origin, while V. minor has multiple purported, traditional uses including laxative, antilactaogogue, and emmenagogue.Duke 2003, Leung 2003


The plant contains many alkaloids, including vincamine and reserpine. Thus, biological activity of the semi-synthetic vinpocetine should not be confused with the whole plant. Chemical studies of vinpocetine are limited, except for those reporting its synthesis as ethyl-apovincaminate from the alkaloid vincamine. High-performance liquid chromatography determined apovincaminic acid as the primary metabolite of vinpocetine. It is soluble in ethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and acetone, and poorly soluble in water.Patyar 2011, Wan Ibrahim 2012, Xia 2010 See also vinca alkaloids in the Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) monograph.

Uses and Pharmacology

Vinpocetine exerts antioxidant effects. In animal models, vinpocetine inhibited the formation of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation.Cai 2012, Cai 2013, Medina 2006, Nivison-Smith 2014, Sozański 2011, Zaki 2013, Zhuang 2013 Inhibition of calcium calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase type 1 has been demonstrated. Increases in cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP) may be responsible for benefits in cerebral circulation and decreased platelet aggregation. Additionally, the prevention of cAMP breakdown results in maintenance of the protein kinase and transcription factor cAMP-responsive, element-binding protein activation, possibly improving memory processing.Cai 2013, Medina 2006, Sozański 2011 Prevention of the upregulation of NF-kappaB and pro-inflammatory mediators by vinpocetine has been demonstrated.Medina 2010, Zhuang 2013


Animal data

Vinpocetine 2 mg/kg was shown to prevent aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs.Sitges 2004

Clinical data

Details of the study are limited, but vinpocetine prevented neurosensory hypoacusis in 118 tuberculosis patients (17 to 63 years of age) who had normal hearing or impaired hearing.Maliavina 2003 In 150 patients with chronic tinnitus, combination therapy of physiotherapy and vinpocetine (250 mL saline combined with 20 mg intravenous infusion or 20 mg oral therapy) once daily for 10 days improved the visual analog scale, with statistical benefit denoted as improvement by 2 or more points.Hahn 2008

Cerebrovascular disease (stroke/dementia)

Animal data

In animal experiments and models of hypoxia and ischemia, the vasoactive alkaloid vinpocetine has been shown to exert neuroprotective effects. Studies in rats and dogs have demonstrated increased blood flow and decreased resistance resulting in increased brain perfusion. Improved learning and memory has been shown in rats with dementia.Gulyás 2012, Herrera-Mundo 2013, Jincai 2013, Nyakas 2009, Zaki 2013

Clinical data

Studies from the 1970s and 1980s have been published, and vinpocetine is widely used in Russia and Hungary where many of the trials have been conducted. A pilot study (N = 30) reported improved scores in acute ischemic stroke, while a Russian study (N = 100) reported improvements in reversible vascular diseases including intermittent cerebral insufficiency.Deshmukh 2009 A large, multicenter study (N = 4,865) reported a reduction in patient complaints, severity of neurological symptoms, and improvements in Tinnetti scale scores and Mini Mental Status Exam scores.Chukanova 2010 A Cochrane systematic review of the effects of vinpocetine administered within 2 weeks in ischemic stroke found no evidence of benefit in reducing early (1 month) or late fatalities. In addition, the Cochrane review reported that vinpocetine 30 to 60 mg/day may be beneficial in dementia. However, few quality clinical trials were available for the review.Bereczki 2008, Deshmukh 2009, Szatmari 2003 A small randomized controlled trial conducted in 30 normotensive adults with a history of cerebrovascular disorders investigated the effects of vinpocetine with and without the cognitive enhancer, pyritniol, on blood viscosity and rheological modulation. After 2 weeks of treatment, administration of vinpocetine 10 mg/day led to significant (P<0.05) improvement in most, but not all, viscosity parameters (eg, serum fibrinogen, blood viscosity, erythrocyte rigidity index) and low shear whole blood viscosity (P<0.01). Meanwhile, the combination of both agents produced significant improvements in all 10 hemorheological parameters (P<0.05 for each; except for relative blood viscosity, low shear whole blood viscosity, and kinematic viscosity, which were P<0.01).Alkuraishy 2014 An uncontrolled pilot study in 30 adults with cerebral small vessel disease documented a significant improvement in vasodilatory effects in the right brain (P<0.05) after 3 months, but not 1 month, of vinpocetine 5 mg given 3 times daily. Improvements in the left brain were not statistically significant. Neurological and cognitive parameters also improved significantly compared to baseline as measured by the modified Rankin scale and mini-mental state examination, respectively (P<0.001 for each).Jovanovic 2013

Safety and efficacy of IV vinpocetine was investigated as an adjunct to usual comprehensive therapy in acute cerebral infarct patients in China in a randomized, open-label, controlled, multicenter trial (N=610; 469 vinpocetine, 141 control). Patients had magnetic resonance image-confirmed cerebral infarct with an onset between 48 hours and 14 days with subsequent neurological deficit but no intracranial hemorrhage. The addition of vinpocetine (30 mg IV once daily for 7 days) to usual therapy conferred significant improvements in daily activity scores 14 days after treatment (P<0.001) as well as cognitive (P=0.008), neurological function (P<0.001), and quality of life measurements (P=0.004) at the 90-day post-treatment assessment compared to patients who received usual therapy without vinpocetine. Transcranial Doppler confirmed improved cerebral blood flow in patients receiving vinpocetine compared to those who did not. Vinpocetine was well tolerated with only 2 mild adverse events associated with its use and both were mild: dizziness and diarrhea.Zhang 2016


Animal data

Vinpocetine protected rodents and cats against induced convulsions.Dutov 1986, Nekrassov 2006, Nekrassov 2004, Sitges 2011 The mechanism of action may involve the blockade of presynaptic sodium and calcium channels. Brain gamma-aminobutyric acid and serotonergic mechanisms may also be involved.Dutov 1986, Sitges 2011, Sitges 2005

Clinical data

A Russian publication reports the effect of vinpocetine in epilepsy in a small study. In 20 of the 31 patients treated with vinpocetine, frequency of attacks decreased or completely disappeared; 7 patients showed no improvement and 4 patients experienced deterioration. Vinpocetine was most effective in generalized tonic-clonic convulsions.Dutov 1986 Another Russian study evaluated the effect of vinpocetine in newborns with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy caused by intracranial birth trauma.Dutov 1991

Other uses

Vinpocetine inhibited proliferation of human breast cancer cells in vitro via cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis.Huang 2012

In a small clinical study, symptoms improved when vinpocetine was investigated in nonresponders to standard pharmacological therapy for urge incontinence and low-compliance bladder. Vinpocetine may also have a role in the treatment of urgency and interstitial cystitis.Truss 2000, Truss 2001 The therapeutic effect of vinpocetine on menopausal symptoms has been reported.Kiss 1990, Kolarov 2001

The efficacy of vinpocetine against several agents that cause gastric mucosal damage has been studied in rats.Nosálova 1993, Sümer 2011 Nociceptive properties have been studied in rodents.Abdel-Salam 2006, Knyihar-Csillik 2007

Animal studies suggest a role for vinpocetine in reducing the hyperactivity associated with fetal alcohol syndrome.Filgueiras 2010, Medina 2006, Nunes 2011


Most clinical studies have used between 5 and 20 mg vinpocetine, given 3 times daily due to a short half-life (2 to 4 hours).Nie 2011, Ning 2011, Szatmari 2003

Due to poor aqueous solubility and a high first-pass effect, oral bioavailability is poor (7%), unless taken with food (increases upward of 60% have been suggested).Lohmann 1992, Sozański 2011 Citrate salt, sustained-release, and transdermal delivery forms have been evaluated.Hasa 2011, Mao 2013, Nie 2011, Ning 2011

Both vinpocetine and its active metabolite apovincaminic acid are absorbed from the GI tract. Vinpocetine appears to follow linear pharmacokinetics. It is metabolized exclusively in the liver, and widely distributed in the body systems including the CNS.Miskolczi 1990, Szakács 2001

Pregnancy / Lactation

Avoid use. Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Traditional uses for lesser periwinkle include antilactagogue and emmenagogue.Duke 2003


Limited studies from the 1990s showed an effect of vinpocetine on prothrombin time; however, clinically important interaction was not demonstrated.Akopov 1992, Feher 2009, Hitzenberger 1990 Caution is warranted in patients receiving blood-thinning agents.

Omeprazole does not influence the bioavailability of vinpocetine.Sozański 2011 Vinpocetine had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of imipramine, oxazepam, and glyburide.Patyar 2011

Adverse Reactions

Vinpocetine is well tolerated. Minor adverse reactions include facial flushing, dry mouth, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, and indigestion.Patyar 2011 A case report describes 1 possible case of agranulocytosis due to vinpocetine therapy.Kiss 1996 V. minor whole plant or extract is potentially contraindicated in constipation and hypotension.Duke 2003


Information regarding toxicity of lesser periwinkle whole plant or extract is limited. Hematological toxicity of vinpocetine has been reported in animals, and excess doses may result in hypotension.Duke 2003

Index Terms



This information relates to an herbal, vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplement. This product has not been reviewed by the FDA to determine whether it is safe or effective and is not subject to the quality standards and safety information collection standards that are applicable to most prescription drugs. This information should not be used to decide whether or not to take this product. This information does not endorse this product as safe, effective, or approved for treating any patient or health condition. This is only a brief summary of general information about this product. It does NOT include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to this product. This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider. You should talk with your health care provider for complete information about the risks and benefits of using this product.

This product may adversely interact with certain health and medical conditions, other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, foods, or other dietary supplements. This product may be unsafe when used before surgery or other medical procedures. It is important to fully inform your doctor about the herbal, vitamins, mineral or any other supplements you are taking before any kind of surgery or medical procedure. With the exception of certain products that are generally recognized as safe in normal quantities, including use of folic acid and prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, this product has not been sufficiently studied to determine whether it is safe to use during pregnancy or nursing or by persons younger than 2 years of age.

Abdel-Salam OME. Vinpocetine and piracetam exert antinociceptive effect in visceral pain model in mice. Pharmacol Rep. 2006;58(5):680-691.17085860
Akopov SE, Gabrielian ES. Effects of aspirin, dipyridamole, nifedipine and Cavinton which act on platelet aggregation induced by different aggregating agents alone and in combination. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1992;42(3):257-259.1577042
Alkuraishy HM, Al-Gareeb AI, Albuhadilly AK. Vinpocetine and pyritinol: a new model for blood rheological modulation in cerebrovascular disorders—a randomized controlled clinical study. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:324307.25548768
Bereczki D, Fekete I. Vinpocetine for acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2008;39(8):2404-2405.18253980
Cai Y, Knight WE, Guo S, Li JD, Knight PA, Yan C. Vinpocetine suppresses pathological vascular remodeling by inhibiting vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2012;343(2):479-488.22915768
Cai Y, Li JD, Yan C. Vinpocetine attenuates lipid accumulation and atherosclerosis formation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013;434(3):439-443.23583194
Chukanova EI. Efficacy of Cavinton in the treatment of patients with chronic blood flow insufficiency. Russian multicenter clinical-epidemological program "CALIPSO" [in Russian]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Koraskova. 2010;110(12):49-52.21311488
Deshmukh R, Sharma V, Mehan S, Sharm N, Bedi KL. Amelioration of intracerebroventricular streptozotocin induced cognitive dysfunction and oxidative stress by vinpocetine – a PDE 1 inhibitor. Eur J Pharmacol. 2009;620(1-3):49-56.19699735
Duke JA. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2003.
Dutov AA, Gal'tvanitsa GA, Volkova VA, Sukhanova ON, Lavrishcheva TG, Petrov AP. Cavinton in the prevention of the convulsive syndrome in children after birth injury [in Russian]. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1991;91(8):21-22.1661506
Dutov AA, Tolpyshev BA, Karpov VN, Petrov AP. Effect of Cavinton on convulsions caused by chemical substances [in Russian]. Farmakol Toksikol. 1986;49(4):22-25.3758323
Dutov AA, Tolpyshev BA, Petrov AP, Gladun VN. Use of Cavinton in epilepsy [in Russian]. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1986;86(6):850-855.3751419
Feher G, Koltai K, Kesmarky G, et al. Effect of parenteral or oral vinpocetine on the hemorheological parameters of patients with chronic cerebrovascular diseases. Phytomedicine. 2009;16(2-3):111-117.19135345
Filgueiras CC, Krahe TE, Medina AE. Phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibition improves learning in rats exposed to alcohol during the third trimester equivalent of human gestation. Neurosci Lett. 2010;473(3):202-207.20219634
Gulyás B, Tóth M, Schain M, et al. Evolution of microglial activation in ischaemic core and peri-infarct regions after stroke: a PET study with the TSPO molecular imaging biomarker [((11))C]vinpocetine. J Neurol Sci. 2012;320(1-2):110-117.22841414
Hahn A, Radkova L, Achiemere G, Klement V, Alpini D, Strouhal J. Multimodal therapy for chronic tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J. 2008;14(1):69-72.18616089
Hasa D, Voinovich D, Perissutti B, et al. Enhanced oral bioavailability of vinpocetine through mechanochemical salt formation: physico-chemical characterization and in vivo studies. Pharm Res. 2011;28(8):1870-1883.21424156
Herrera-Mundo N, Sitges M. Vinpocetine and alpha-tocopherol prevent the increase in DA and oxidative stress induced by 3-NPA in striatum isolated nerve endings. J Neurochem. 2013;124(2):233-240.23121080
Hitzenberger G, Schmid R, Braun W, Grandt R. Vinpocetine therapy does not change imipramine pharmacokinetics in man. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. 1990;28(3):99-104.2318551
Huang EW, Xue SJ, Zhang Z, Zhou JG, Guan YY, Tang YB. Vinpocetine inhibits breast cancer cells growth in vitro and in vivo. Apoptosis. 2012;17(10):1120-1130.22729609
Jincai W, Tingfang D, Yongheng Z, Zhongmin L, Kaihua Z, Xiaohong L. Effects of vinpocetine and ozagrel on behavioral recovery of rats after global brain ischemia. J Clin Neurosci. 2013. 2014;21(4):661-663.24291485
Jovanović ZB, Pavlović AM, Pekmezović T, Mijajlović M, Covicković NS. Transcranial Doppler assessment of cerebral vasomotor reactivity in evaluating the effects of vinpocetine in cerebral small vessel disease: a pilot study. Ideggyogy Sz. 2013;66(7-8):263-268.23971358
Kiss E. Adjuvant effect of Cavinton in the treatment of climacteric symptoms. Ther Hung. 1990;38(4):170-173.2094056
Kiss B, Kárpáti E. Mechanism of action of vinpocetine [in Hungarian]. Acta Pharm Hung. 1996;66(5):213-224.9082841
Knyihar-Csillik E, Vecsei L, Mihaly A, et al. Effect of vinpocetine on retrograde axoplasmic transport. Ann Anat. 2007;189(1):39-45.17319607
Kolarov G, Orbetsova M, Nalbanski B, et al. Complex effects of Cavinton on climacteric symptoms [in Bulgarian]. Akush Ginekol. 2001;42(2):37-41.11799757
Leung AY, Foster S. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience; 2003.
Lohmann A, Dingler E, Sommer W, Schaffler K, Wober W, Schmidt W. Bioavailability of vinpocetine and interference of the time of application with food intake. Arzneimittelforschung. 1992;42(7):914-917.1418055
Maliavina US, Ovchinnikov IuM, Fasenko VP, Maliev BM, Kalinina MV, Dadasheva BB. Cavinton prevention of neurosensory hypoacousis in patients with different forms of tuberculosis [in Russian]. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2003;(3):35-40.12847806
Mao YT, Hua HY, Zhang XG, et al. Ethosomes as delivery system for transdermal administration of vinpocetine. Pharmazie. 2013;68(5):381-382.23802438
Medina AE. Vinpocetine as a potent anti-inflammatory agent. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010;107(22):9921-9922.20495091
Medina AE, Krahe TE, Ramoa AS. Restoration of neuronal plasticity by a phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibitor in a model of fetal alcohol syndrome. J Neurosci. 2006;26(3):1057-1060.16421325
Miskolczi P, Kozma K, Polgár M, Vereczkey L. Pharmacokinetics of vinpocetine and its main metabolite apovincaminic acid before and after the chronic oral administration of vinpocetine to humans. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 1990;15(1):1-5.2384112
Nekrassov V, Sitges M. Additive effects of antiepileptic drugs and pentylenetetrazole on hearing. Neurosci Lett. 2006;406(3):276-280.16930834
Nekrassov V, Sitges M. Vinpocetine inhibits the epileptic cortical activity and auditory alterations induced by pentylenetetrazole in the guinea pig in vivo. Epilepsy Res. 2004;60(3):63-71.
Nie S, Wu J, Liu H, Pan W, Liu Y. Influence of admixed citric acid and physiological variables on the vinpocetine release from sodium alginate compressed matrix tablets. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2011;37(8):954-962.21417613
Ning M, Zhou Y, Chen G, Mei X. Preparation and in vitro/in vivo evaluation of vinpocetine elementary osmotic pump system. Adv Pharmacol Sci. 2011;2011:385469.21577257
Nivison-Smith L, Acosta ML, Misra S, O'Brien BJ, Kalloniatis M. Vinpocetine regulates cation channel permeability of inner retinal neurons in the ischaemic retina. Neurochem Int. 2014;66:1-14.24412512
Nosálova V, Machová J, Babulova A. Protective action of vinpocetine against experimentally induced gastric damage in rats. Arzneimittelforschung. 1993;43(9):981-985.8240463
Nunes F, Ferreira-Rosa K, Pereira Mdos S, et al. Acute administration of vinpocetine, a phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibitor, ameliorates hyperactivity in a mice model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011;119(1-2):81-87.21689896
Nyakas C, Felszeghy K, Szabó R, et al. Neuroprotective effects of vinpocetine and its major metabolite cis-apovincaminic acid on NMDA-induced neurotoxicity in a rat entorhinal cortex lesion model. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2009;15(2):89-99.19492990
Patyar S, Prakash A, Modi M, Medhi B. Role of vinpocetine in cerebrovascular diseases. Pharmacol Rep. 2011;63(3):618-628.21857073
Sitges M, Galván E, Nekrassov V. Vinpocetine blockade of sodium channels inhibits the rise in sodium and calcium induced by 4-aminopyridine in synaptosomes. Neurochem Int. 2005;46(7):533-540.15843047
Sitges M, Nekrassov V. Vinpocetine prevents 4-aminopyridine-induced changes in the EEG, the auditory brainstem responses and hearing. Clin Neurophysiol. 2004;115(12):2711-2717.15546779
Sitges M, Sanchez-Tafolla BM, Chiu LM, Aldana BI, Guarneros A. Vinpocetine inhibits glutamate release induced by the convulsive agent 4-aminopyridine more potently than several antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsy Res. 2011;96(3):257-266.21737246
Sozański T, Magdalan J, Trocha M, et al. Omeprazole does not change the oral bioavailability or pharmacokinetics of vinpocetine in rats. Pharmacol Rep. 2011;63(5):1258-1263.22180371
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Szakács T, Veres Z, Vereczkey L. In vitro-in vivo correlation of the pharmacokinetics of vinpocetine. Pol J Pharmacol. 2001;53(6):623-628.11985336
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Wan Ibrahim WA, Abd Wahib SM, Hermawan D, Sanagi MM, Aboul-Enein HY. Chiral separation of vinpocetine using cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Chirality. 2012;24(3):252-254.22271616
Xia HM, Su LN, Guo JW, et al. Determination of vinpocetine and its primary metabolite, apovincaminic acid, in rat plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2010;878(22):1959-1966.20561830
Zaki HF, Abdelsalam RM. Vinpocetine protects liver against ischemia-reperfusion injury. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013;91(12):1064-1070.24289077
Zhang W, Huang Y, Li Y, Tan L, Nao J, Hu H, Zhang J, Li C, Kong Y, Song Y. Efficacy and Safety of Vinpocetine as Part of Treatment for Acute Cerebral Infarction: A Randomized, Open-Label, Controlled, Multicenter CAVIN (Chinese Assessment for Vinpocetine in Neurology) Trial. Clin Drug Investig. 2016;36(9):697-704.27283947
Zhuang J, Peng W, Li H, et al. Inhibitory effects of vinpocetine on the progression of atherosclerosis are mediated by Akt/NF-kappaB dependent mechanisms in apoE −/− mice. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e82509.24349299

Further information

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