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Keytruda User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Keytruda has an average rating of 4.7 out of 10 from a total of 218 reviews on 38% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 53% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Keytruda

  • Dave
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 16, 2019

For Solid Tumors "My wife was given this drug as an option to help with her breast cancer, a week later she passed into Heaven, we were both excited and hopeful for an immunotherapy drug like this, which did nothing to save my Beautiful Wife!"

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  • BigRi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 25, 2021

For Head and Neck Cancer "After meeting with a surgeon who is the best who advised me he could do the surgery. Yup removal of my tongue, facial nerve damage with lifetime pain, feeding tube, and not being able to speak. I decided “No Thanks” I like my Tacos and being able To tell people I love them. My oncologist suggested Keytruda and immunotherapy. It saved my life and my tongue!!"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 21, 2021

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I started with a tumor on my had spread to my lymphnodes in neck and stomach before it was found. I did 3 cycles of platinum chemo shrunk cancer 40% then continued to keytruda and last scan it had shrunk another 28%, 68% total in 3 months with both treatments. I've had zero side effects. I'm even back to work part time now."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • JLC
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 19, 2024

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My wife has been doing the Keytruda treatment for close to a year now with no serious side effects. It has helped greatly to where chemo can now be stopped. I have read good reviews here and some very scary ones! The problem is everyone reacts differently to all medications and if you went by all the side effects listed on medications, you wouldn't even take them. I so wish all success on this terrible illness and strength in your fight against it!"

9 / 10
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  • john
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 2, 2018

For Head and Neck Cancer "4 injections so far on Keytruda as a first line HNSCC treatment. No side effects. Approximately 70% reduction already in my left side face swelling which is due to swollen lymph nodes that have been swollen for years. 3 month MRI due Oct 8th 2018, so too early to say anything about tumor response. Diagnosed 6 years ago but did no treatment until Keytruda as I did not want to do radiation in the oral cavity and was offered nothing else. I have found many sources indicating the patient must have an undamaged microbiome for the treatment to work effectively. Patients on previous platinum based chemotherapies will have a weak microbiome. Action should be taken to restore the microbiome prior to starting immunotherapy."

10 / 10
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19 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • DWs...
  • January 13, 2021

For Urothelial Carcinoma "My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 6/20. Tests showed his cancer was Stage 4 with lung mets. He started with a GC combination chemo, but almost halfway through treatment, it was not working. His lung mets had gotten larger. Now he had bone mets on his left hip and pelvis. He was put on Keytruda end of 09/20. For the first 7-8 weeks, he improved to 95% full functioning. After the 2nd Keytruda treatment, he began to fail gradually, where he is now at 10% functioning. His 3 month CT scan showed his tumors in his lungs and hip/pelvis were larger, and he now had liver mets. While waiting the standard 3 months to see if Keytruda was working, his condition continued to deteriorate. The appearence of pseudo-remission initially led to false hope, and the devastating experience upon the deterioration in his condition. I suppose the only other alternative would have been to not have treatment at all during these past 7 months."

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13 Report
  • His...
  • June 19, 2019

For Solid Tumors "My husband stage 4 sarcoma ( Lung Epithelioid Sarcoma squamous cell carcinoma ), a rare aggressive form. Appearing in lymph nodes around the lungs and adrenal gland. Large one between the heart and lung, a large mass located on his adrenal gland. Did chemo for 9 months. Tumors between heart and lung and adrenal gland shrunk to 1/3 the size it was a year ago, has not touched the others around his lung but the cancer remains stable. Keytruda is NOT without its side affects, he cannot focus to read much, moody for 2 weeks, after treatments then feels bit better and its time for another treatment. Seems like he has about 50% of the side affects listed, it also caused injury to his thyroid gland and doctor has increased levothyroxine 3 times in 2 months! Arthritis now in his hip and back. Bruising terribly, weakness fatigue, headaches, insomnia, but he perseveres and forces himself not to give in. He is still here with us."

7 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Miche...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 15, 2019

For Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mom died a few days after her treatment of this medicine. Her liver shut down and then her other organs. I would not recommend this until you thoroughly understand the side effects and what it does."

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  • Liz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 20, 2022

For Squamous Cell Carcinoma "We found out my Dad had squamous cell lung cancer stage 4 in June, he tried radiation which didn't work, doctors didn't suggest chemo but suggested immunotherapy Keytruda instead. I had really high hopes for immunotherapy after reading and seeing good things about it on abc news claiming it could be the "cure". Me and my family definitely had high hopes, and we all thought it would be safer than chemo, less side effects. August 24th 2022 Wed is when they gave keytruda to him through iv. I saw him the next day and he seemed fine in the hospital despite his other health problems and his legs being paralyzed from the tumor. Sunday I called the hospital to check on how he was doing. Nurses said he wasn't doing good... somehow his oxygen was depleting in his body and he wasn't responding to their oxygen. I rushed to the hospital Aug 28th Sun and saw my Dad for the last time, held his hand while I watched him breathe his last breath unconscious. He was starved of oxygen because of this..."

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8 Report
  • Goodo...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 28, 2019

For Melanoma, Metastatic "Feb 2019 I have a metastatic melanoma wrapped around 2 nerves at the top of my spine. Inoperable. With the pain in my neck and shoulder blade I thought it was caused by Dr pulling me around after Open Heart Surgery in August 2018. Lucky I have a great GP who sent me to a Neurosurgeon after scans. Started on Immunotherapy in May. Have had my 11th Keytruda treatment. Side effects have been different each time. Thyroid is under control with medication now. Have been through droopy eyelids, husky voice, runny nose, aching bones, itchy skin etc., all of which have cleared up in time then come back occasionally except itchy skin. Both my PET Scans tell me I’m in remission. I just feel very lucky I am able to have this Keytruda treatment for however long it takes. Hoping it will prolong my life. Only problem I’m having is the damage it has done to a bone in my spine which is very painful and medication helps."

8 / 10
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15 Report
  • Micha...
  • May 14, 2020

For Small Cell Lung Cancer "After first infusion, immediate aggravation of my arrhythmia to the point of having episodes daily unlike ever before. Developed a persistent cough which made speaking difficult. Also shortness of breath. Mentioned arrhythmia to my oncologist who was not inclined to blame Keytruda for the increased frequency, although arrhythmia is a known side effect. Three weeks later second infusion, everything worsened to the point of debilitating weakness. Researching Keytruda, I discovered It is NOT the wonder drug touted by so many. Alot of side effects, failing health and death. Prior to keytruda, I experienced myself daily as healthy although diagnosed with lung cancer and infrequent arrhythmia. Today my quality of life is so little that I have decided to discontinue treatment. A third infusion might very well kill me. It's just not worth it. While Keytruda does seem to help some, it seems to injure many more, like myself."

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  • kmh
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 22, 2021

For Urothelial Carcinoma "My father was diagnosed August 2020 with urothelial cancer. Had left nephrectomy and uretorectomy in Sept 2020. Wasn't a candidate for traditional chemotherapy for age and other health issues. Started Keytruda February 24th. 2nd treatment was March 24. April 9th we were in the emergency room with him having large blood clots in his leg. May 5th he is worse, not walking low blood pressure and severe pain. Put in hospice and now gone on May 20th. I will regret forever talking him into trying it."

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11 Report
  • Head...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2021

For Head and Neck Cancer "My husband received 1 dose of Keytruda July 21, 2021 and had horrible side effects. He could not get dose in August. My husband died August 23,2021. Ended up on Oxygen within 1 week of getting dose and then sleeping in a hospital bed. This drug helps 15% of people the other 85% get worse and die."

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10 Report
  • Kenny
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 13, 2024

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My lung cancer traveled to my bowel and I turned stage 4 during an ICU stay. They released me to hospice after my weight was 60 pounds. I had been intubated for a month (2 of those in a coma. 2 trach to vent). My right lung was completely collapsed under an 11cm tumor, I had 8 Mets in my small intestine, also collapsed from no food in a month. I could not sit, stand, or walk. I could not talk till I left the ICU. 6 days after regrouping in hospice, I 'ran away' to get Keytruda. In 4 infusions, I was cancer-free. I was diagnosed 5 years ago tomorrow, I have been cancer-free since December 2019. I took it solo for 17 months. My PDLI was 80%. I had no side effects except getting thyroiditis (not worth complaining about vs death), and I am completely healthy now."

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3 Report
  • Emily...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 12, 2017

For Head and Neck Cancer "My good friend started Keytruda in the beginning of the year after all other treatments failed for his adrenal cancer. He looked terrible and lost over 30 pounds and he looked like he has a month or two to live. Keytruda and shrunk his two tumors dramatically and thanks to Merck my friend is still alive."

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19 Report
  • Mikes...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 22, 2018

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer. After 2 treatments of Keytruda his cancer had spread like wildfire and his health severely declined. He then tried chemo but after just 3 treatments he was too weak and was put in hospice. He passed away just 4 months after being diagnosed."

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  • JASON...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 24, 2023

For Endometrial Cancer "My wife has taxol and carboplatin chemo due to stage 4 terminal cancer and had 6 rounds of chemo. A CT scan showed a complete response and no cancer was present. She started Keytruda and 3 months later the CT scan showed three places where cancer had grown and a 2.9 cm brain tumor. Keytruda did nothing and $13,000 per treatment down the drain!"

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6 Report
  • Rosebud
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 9, 2022

For Renal Cell Carcinoma "Going for my third infusion in a few weeks and a cystoscopy. I get the infusion every six weeks. So far just minor complaints, weight gain, rash that comes and goes, cough, some diarrhea, muscle pain sometimes and face a little puffy. Bloodwork has been good so far. Had a TIA a month ago but oncologist said it wasn't the Keytruda. I'm going to my primary care this week to see what's going on. Not sure how to rate keytruda yet so I'll give it a 5."

5 / 10
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  • Sunfl...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 30, 2020

For Melanoma "I started keytruda Feb 2020 for stage 3 aggressive melanoma. Almost immediately my moods were awful. Swinging like a kid hitting puberty. The doc said it wasn't a side effect. This continued. The fatigue increased. I felt miserable. By late August I couldn't get off the couch without moaning in pain and couldn't even get into bed. No appetite. Nausea. No energy. I knew I was dehydrated. Declined my next treatment and got fluids. Went to next appointment to tell Doc I was quitting. Finally they did labs. My cortisol was > .1 Another lab test result had ridiculously low levels as well. I should've been in the hospital. Now I'm on steroids, was waiting to see an endocrinologist and hoping there's no permanent damage. Keytruda almost finished me off"

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  • Anonymous
  • April 7, 2021

For Gastric Cancer "Keytruda is what ended my fathers life. We were told nothing but wonderful things about Immunotherapy and how it would be less taxing on the body than Chemotherapy. He died less than 30 days after his first infusion. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach Cancer on October 17, 2020. He underwent Chemo treatments and they switched him to Immunotherapy/Keytruda in December. He endured a steep decline shortly after and died weeks later. Please, if you are considering Keytruda, do your due diligence and research the very probable side effects. I wish we had. We trusted his Oncologist 110% and really thought this would help him. Do not make the same mistake we did."

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  • David
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 3, 2024

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I was diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC in September 2017. I had a lymph node removed and tested in October 2017. In December 2017, I received my first chemo (Alimta, carboplatin, and Keytruda) and continued receiving it every 3 weeks until March 2018. I was able to continue working daily during the treatment. A PET scan in April 2018 showed no active cancer. I then continued with Keytruda as a maintenance treatment every 3 weeks until August 2018, but at this time I experienced bad diarrhea. I lost almost 60 lbs and ended up in the hospital for a week. I returned to the hospital in November 2018, but was released after three days. I received daily infusions of steroids for 3 more days. In 2021, a lymph node was removed and the results showed it was clear. Today is February 3, 2124, and I feel blessed to be alive and well. Medication effectiveness varies from person to person, but I believe that Keytruda played a big role in keeping my cancer inactive. I also had excellent doctors! In my case, I think I may have been over-medicated with Keytruda due to a lack of data, and I hope that more information is gathered to help decrease the side effects."

8 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 9, 2017

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Had all of the requirements - PD-L1, 90% effaced, did not have the tumor mutations, 1st line of defense. Bought in to the "wonder" drug hype and it FAIL MISERABLY. Cancer metastasized. Now being treated with chemo and responding but it's too late"

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  • Boss
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 28, 2024

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "The mouth ulcerations are awful. I just had a tooth break off because of the recession of my gums. I expect my teeth to fall out. It’s very disheartening. I also have uncontrollable female itching. The steroid ointment helps, but nothing cures it. I need something to cure my mouth so my teeth won’t fall out, and the gum condition is awful. No one seems to know how to help me."

6 / 10
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  • johndoe
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 13, 2018

For Solid Tumors "My mother has been taking this for a few months and she has completely changed. She suffers from extreme memory loss, confusion, body rashes, and now has to get fluids weekly because she sweats constantly. She has lost an insane amount of weight, lost all her muscle, and is shaky. Her body is in constant pain. She took a break from it for a few months and during that time she felt better but her cancer came back. They say she will be taking this drug for the remainder of her life. "it'll keep her alive", but honestly, at what cost? This medicine has robbed her of her quality of life. I would never recommend this to anyone who is looking for healing. it does more harm than good."

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  • Daddys...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 30, 2020

For Small Cell Lung Cancer "Father was not a candidate for Chemo, so his last option for treatment was Keytruda. He constantly had pneumonia. Three months after his treatment with Keytruda he was hospitalized with Pneumonia. Developed heart erythema, cough, blisters deep in his throat, hoarseness, could hardly speak. Hospital tried “magic mouthwash” “lidocaine lollipops” several antibiotics. Nothing worked. I believe it burnt his lungs up. Was scheduled for PET scan, but passed away 5 days before. I am convinced Keytruda killed him before the cancer did. Once damage is done, it can’t be undone. Please way the options before starting this expensive treatment."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.