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Macrobid User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)

Macrobid has an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 from a total of 816 reviews on 30% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 51% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Macrobid

  • Anti...
  • August 2, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "I was prescribed a 7-day course of Macrobid for a UTI. The first four days I felt fine and my UTI symptoms improved. Day 5 I suddenly began to experience headache, racing heart, and severe anxiety. Day 6 was even worse, I felt jittery and confused. I did't connect it to the Macrobid at first because I'd experienced no side effects the first four days. I felt like I was going crazy and was afraid to drive. At that time I thought maybe my symptoms were due to my blood pressure, even though I'd never had those issues in the past. Finally it dawned on me that it could be side effects from the Macrobid so I searched the internet and found several forums where people had commented and had the same issues I did. I did not finish my last two doses of Macrobid. I've been off the medication for six days symptoms have lessened greatly, although I'm still having episodes of anxiety here and there but to a much lesser degree. I will NEVER take this medication again."

1 / 10
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39 Report
  • Tiff
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 16, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "I've never done a review but wanted to on it because of so many bad reviews. The macrobid is working great, no side effects that I’ve noticed from the meds. But before starting the meds I did have a severe UTI with severe pain in my stomach and back as well as nausea, dizziness, cramps, muscle weakness, headache and flu like symptoms all from the UTI infection. I felt like death. Which has all subsided since taking this medicine. I’ve read a lot of bad reviews but I think everyone fails to realize that UTI and bladder infections cause a lot of symptoms plus everyone reacts differently. I would take this again!"

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Polly...
  • November 22, 2013

For Urinary Tract Infection "I am currently taking Macrobid for a urinary tract infection. I've been taking it twice a day for going on 4 days now. I was very very leery of this medication, because when I was pregnant 4 years ago, it was prescribed to me for a UTI. I took it and was really ill. I felt like I had the flu...weak, chills, nausea, horrible headaches. My doctor gave it to me and I was scared to take it, but with my last UTI the Cipro didn't knock it out. I'm happy to report that this time, I am doing fine on it. No side effects, but the UTI symptoms are pretty much gone. Make sure you take this ON A FULL STOMACH! Not with a glass of milk, not with a snack, not BEFORE eating...a full stomach!"

8 / 10
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69 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • WhatN...
  • July 30, 2014

For Bladder Infection "I was prescribed Macrobid for a bladder infection on a Friday. I took the first dose that evening after dinner. I woke up Saturday morning feeling fine, took another dose, and it went downhill from there. We went out for breakfast, and the fun began, nausea, chills, etc. I had to go home and get in bed for the remainder of the day. I had a fever of 101.3. I had a terrible headache, joint pain etc. On Sunday, I was so freaked, my husband took me to an urgent care clinic. I was told that it wasn't the Macrobid, but that my bladder infection had become systemic. Baloney. I would wake up and feel fine, take the medication with milk, and whammo! Down for the count. I am now on day 5, and finally went to work today. Totally felt hungover."

6 / 10
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65 Report
  • Ashto...
  • November 22, 2016

For Urinary Tract Infection "okay,i never ever post on review boards, but with all these high level ratings for this drug i just had to speak out. this drug is poison, literal poison. im only on my second dosage and it feels like my body is shutting down. rite this moment i am vomiting every ten mins, my head hurts constantly, and my body is riddled with the chills and shakes. i have followed the dr directions to the tee, taking it with food and all of that and it still has made me feel miserable. yes it has healed my uti almost instantly but now the rest of my body is suffering and breaking down because of it. please seek other options before taking this medication, please, i beg you, this is a very strong, dangerous drug."

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52 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Dee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2019

For Bladder Infection "No problems whatsoever. I'm on day 3 and most of my pain is gone. It didn't work as quickly for me as it did for others here, but I must have a bad bladder infection. Eat with the pill. Take it in a timely fashion. Remember that every symptom is not a result of the antibiotic"

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • EmIly...
  • April 13, 2012

For Urinary Tract Infection "I absolutely love this medication. Works really fast, I didn't leave me with any side effects, and makes me feel better within a few hours! I will never take another medication for a urinary tract infection again besides this one!"

10 / 10
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74 Report
  • Gee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 9, 2019

For Bladder Infection "Worst antibiotic I've ever taken. I went to a walk in clinic as I had back pain. They did a urine sample and said that I appear to have a low level UTI (even though had no other symptoms) and I was prescribed macrobid 100mg 2 x a day for 3 days. I noticed one day in that my skin felt a little tingly but thought I was just being weird. The end of the second day, I got this horrible joint pain (knees, bottom and elbows) that was so heavy and uncomfortable that I didn't take my final pill (I read about others side effects that they experienced). One day off them and my joints seem to be a bit better, but it's like when one symptom subsides, another arises. When I stand, its like I can feel the blood rush to my feet and my skin in my abdomen area becomes itchy! I will NEVER take this again and I hope that these side effects go away soon. Not impressed."

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • Jameson
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 29, 2019

For Prevention of Bladder infection "I don’t like that the people that didn’t have a bad reaction are acting that their experience negates all the others. Everybody is different and every body reacts differently The good: in the last several weeks I’ve been hospitalized with kidney infections and sepsis twice. I was on home IV antibiotics for four weeks. Nothing worked. Finally identified the bacteria and was put on a black box antibiotic for 11 days. Then switched to Macrobid as a precaution for the next four months while we narrow down what is wrong. This is doing its job well. 2) It has also caused a pain I feel in my head, sinuses, ears, neck and teeth are extreme and life altering. You can’t live a normal life with this type of pain. It’s a nightmare. The pain is intolerable. If you haven’t experienced this. Be grateful, not angry at those of us suffering."

5 / 10
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36 Report
  • Little...
  • March 10, 2021

For Urinary Tract Infection "I’ve had a bad reaction twice to the drug , it’s now on my records not to be given it, non stop being sick, a really pain full headache that does not respond to any pain relief. I ended up in A&E first time, then was given it again and had flu like symptoms, and the worst bit by far again the excruciating headache. Today I feel a little better, my eyesight has gone funny, like my glasses are not working properly and it was fine prior to taking the drug. Alarmingly these are on the side effect list !!"

1 / 10
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27 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 28, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "I haven't experienced any of the side effects others have mentioned earlier. After just one dose of Macrobid, within hours all of my noticeable symptoms were virtually gone. It may have helped that I got my prescription at the first sign of a UTI, before the pain became terrible. Zero side effects during treatment."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Et_tu...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2015

For Urinary Tract Infection "I have a very very hard time with medicine. Even mild medications have made me extremely sick. I can't tolerate cipro or Bactrim, and easily get utis. I was terrified this time when they gave me macrobid because I'd never had it. Even zpack made me very sick. And then I read these reviews and just cried at the thought of taking it. I went out and bought crackers and sprite, etc. to prepare for what's been described here. Then I took it, and waited. ... and waited.... and waited. Nothing horrible ever happened. It's important to remember that everyone has a different experience. Don't even read these. My main advice w this med is to eat eat eat. If anything happens you feel is weird just ask your Dr. But mostly, relax and trust your Dr."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 30, 2021

For Urinary Tract Infection "So this is my 3rd time on these tablets this year first two times was for a UTI this time for a kidney infection. The first two times no side effects at all. This time I’m on day 4 of taking these and I feel dreadful dry mouth stomach ache/cramps/pain diarrhoea and this morning I woke up and felt like I had flu, with fever, chills and severe aches and pains from the stomach down. I’m going to have to continue taking them due to having a kidney infection I did ring my doctors but they refused to change my antibiotics. This is just my experience everyone is different but I definitely wouldn’t take these again and I can normally take any tablets and have no side effects."

1 / 10
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25 Report
  • Candice...
  • October 13, 2013

For Urinary Tract Infection "My urinary tract infection symptoms were not nearly as painful as the side effects of this medicine. It cleared up the UTI in a day but by the second day, it was nausea, extreme fatigue, no appetite, joint and muscle pain, stomach pain and complete weakness, chills and fever. Pharmacist said it was probably the UTI. Now it's day 5 and I'm in agony. Stopping Macrobid and calling the doctor in the morning."

3 / 10
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63 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 17, 2013

For Bladder Infection "Was peeing like crazy, approximately every 10 minutes. Decided to see my doctor, she prescribed Macrobid and within a day I can already notice results! I do feel a little queasy after taking this pill but more food always helps. This is the best thing ever! I now don't have to worry if my Co-workers would notice my frequent trips to the washroom, and I don't hurt anymore."

10 / 10
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64 Report
  • Sam
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 5, 2019

For Bladder Infection "Going thru the reviews . Sounds like most of them are just on the wrong antibiotic. Nausea, fever, chills etc are also signs of a bad kidney infection. Not saying they are all like that, but some of them could be. "

5 / 10
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33 Report
  • solie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 25, 2013

For Urinary Tract Infection "Took this med for 2 days and calling doctor this morning and not taking next pill. I feel worse then, as if I have the flu. Cannot sleep, sweating hot and cold headaches and nauseous even with taking the pill after I eat. This isn't for me at all."

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62 Report
  • nique
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 14, 2014

For Urinary Tract Infection "This is my second time on Macrobid both times given during pregnancy. The first time it made me extremely sick and I took it after a light snack and drank milk. I felt so bad I couldn't stomach taking the pill again. This time around I got a urinary tract infection so bad I was having very bad pains under my ribs so I figured the sickness from the antibiotic was better then the severe pain I was having. I started the meds four days ago now and I feel 100% better! Before every dose I eat a COMPLETE MEAL so that my stomach is coated and I have not had one side effect besides drowsiness which I don't mind as much, but the pain is gone and I am back to my normal self. I am so happy the pills worked so fast and with food leave me perfectly fine."

10 / 10
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59 Report
  • mered
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 24, 2012

For Urinary Tract Infection "Have taken this medication twice- started feeing unwell after 4 days the first time around, the second time thought I had flu as well as urinary tract infection, last pill of the day taken at supper time, by bedtime feeling ill and then by midnight very ill, delirious, nausea, chills, rapid heart beat. Went to Doctor and told to discontinue medication."

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66 Report
  • Alexi...
  • August 8, 2016

For Bladder Infection "I got a pretty bad bladder infection and got prescribed this medicine. I didn't bother to check reviews, as my infection was so bad that all I wanted to do was be able to pee. I'm on day 3. Symptoms barely better. On top of that, I now have bad pain in my lower back, a swollen stomach that hurts really bad, gas, constipation, and worst of all, I can barely stay awake. I'm exhausted. I have zero energy and I've been bed ridden since the first dose. My joints hurt, my shoulders hurt, I am dizzy and nauseous. And I take the dose with a decent meal to prevent stomach upset but it doesn't work. Worst part is that I keep having bouts of diarrhea but nothing comes out. I don't know if the medicine is worse than the disease, but I'm miserable."

2 / 10
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48 Report
  • LDano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 5, 2019

For Bladder Infection "I was prescribed Macrobid after phoning my GP with symptoms of cystitis. I sent a sample in for testing and was given a 7 day course. I hadn’t been given this drug before but, as I am 7 weeks pregnant, the options are more limited. My cystitis symptoms did clear up quickly on Macrobid, but I would never take this medication again due to the horrible side effects! I was extremely nauseous constantly, physically sick, lost my appetite, had no energy and had aching pains in my lower back, abdomen and thighs. I also suffered with constipation and severe bloating. I understand that drugs have side effects but I found them worse than the actual water infection, and we all know how awful they can be so that says it all! I’ve never reacted to an antibiotic before and will be asking for an alternative if I have another water infection."

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • Missx...
  • November 27, 2016

For Urinary Tract Infection "I have never posted a review but, I wanted to let people know out there that you don't have to be afraid to take this if you need to. I am one of those who always Googles medicine reviews and I scared myself half to death with the horrible reviews on this antibiotic. So worried that I almost didn't take it. Well, I'm glad I did. It took away my UTI that was going into my kidneys and I had absolutely NO side effects. Yes, everyone is different and some people will have bad effects from it but, I am very sensitive to medications and I had no issues whatsoever. Always be sure to take it with food and just let it do it's job!"

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Marie
  • December 19, 2018

For Urinary Tract Infection "Please don’t take macrobid! I just got out of the hospital after taking full dose for a UTI. I started itching in my head on Friday by Sunday morning I had a severe rash and my joints and muscles hurt so bad my legs gave out on me and then I started having shortness of breath and chest pains. Went to the UTC where I got the prescription and they had me rushed the the ER. I was having a heart attack. They gave me a epi pen. I ended up staying in the hospital and did have a heart attack but because I did not have blocked arteries it was not a major one but this drug caused some cells to die in my heart and now I have to go to a cardiologist to find out what is next for me. Please please be careful taking this drug."

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • ABano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 21, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "After just a couple doses, I am extremely tired and sleepy, and having bad dreams from which I wake up agitated and anxious. Taking macrobid for the first time now after a horrendous UTI/bladder/kidney infection treated with cipro left me with another cipro-resistant infection. I am allergic to penicillins, mycins, and sulfas, so antibiotic choices are limited. I am posting just to reassure others who might have similar experience and wonder if it is the drug, which is how I myself ended up on this webpage. I am going to stick with it, and hope side effects don’t get worse, and it finally rids me of this infection and accompanying severe abdomen and back pain."

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33 Report
  • Mrs...
  • March 21, 2014

For Bladder Infection "This medication cleared my urinary tract infection symptoms within 24 hours, but left me feeling super sleepy and dizzy! I guess it's a small price to pay for relief. I'm glad I have a few days off work though because I would not be able to work like this."

8 / 10
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56 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.