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What foods should I stay away from while on flagyl and cipro?

3 Answers

nyra417 2 Aug 2011

I was on flagyl for a digestive tract infection; the dr's in the hospital (admitted for 2 days) kept me on liquids & then eventually (when discharged) told me to eat "light" and non-fatty/lowfat dairy if at all, no white flour products/starches/white rice and also add leafy greens & raw fruits. I was fine within a couple of days but still am very careful with diet.
Hope this helped...

Votes: +1
1952esor 14 March 2014

Thank you. I am at home taking metronidazole and ciprofloxacin am having a bit of trouble with bowel movements. I wasn't told to be on any kind of foods so I will eat light , skip dairy and starches. If anyone has any advice, it would be welcome.

Inactive 2 Aug 2011

docreigrod, for cipro, stay away from, dairy products like milk and yogurt, calcium-fortifed juice, antacids, vitiamin or mineral supplements. I have been on both of these and had to watch these foods on the cipro

Votes: +0
DzooBaby 1 Aug 2011

I dont know of any foods you should stay away from on these but dont drink alcohol while on Flagyl. It will make you feel deathly ill if you drink while on flagyl.

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cipro, flagyl, food

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