I am currently on Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone), and have been for a while. Since I have been on this medication, my pulse/heart rate has gotten way out of control. I have been to all of the neccessary doctors... Heart Specials, etc There is nothing wrong with my heart, after going through several tests; All medications I have been given (beta-blockers, etc.) to try and slow my heart down, has not worked. Also, I am an Insomniac! It has to be the Suboxone causing these negative side effects. My doctor and I discussed switching me to Subutex because it does not contain Naloxone. The greatest side effects of Naloxone is rapid heart rate, and sleeplessness (I have both)!!! Has anyone switched from Suboxone to Subutex for this reason? Suboxone has saved my life from addiction, but is causing more heath problems. If you have taken both Suboxone and Subutex, which one would you prefer? Thank You for your time, and God Bless -)