I just began my Saxenda journey yesterday with two injections under my belt. My PCP started me on the highest dose at 3.0. The first day was fine. I definitely felt less hunger or even desire to be around food... and to be perfectly honest, I didn't even to watch it on TV on one my favorite shows Chopped. None-the-less I went to bed last night perfectly fine. I woke up about 2 am absolutely freezing, shivering. I got another blanket, but between being cold and having the insomnia kick it, it was pretty rough. I do take medication to help me sleep, which surprised me when I woke up 4 or 5 times with only 3 hours of sleep. This morning was another adventure as the nausea kicked in. It wasn't enough for me to actually become sick; however, I was prescribed Zofran to help with keeping my stomach settled. The chills have made my body sore and the nausea is making me even more weary of food. None-the-less, it's one step at a time and hope that the typical side effects have similar trends of others by subsiding a bit after the body acclimates. However, I haven't read anything anywhere that indicates the intense feeling of cold is related to Saxenda... and I am wondering if others have experienced this or if it may be related to hypoglycemia. I have a call into my doctor, but I would appreciate others' shared experiences, as well.

Thank you kindly