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Medication -Can You Take Tylenol With Codeine#3 with Suboxone. Pain Relief Prescribed by Dentist?

8 Answers

Official Answer Medically reviewed by Last updated on Nov 9, 2020.

Did your dentist know you were taking Suboxone?
You are probably best to take ibuprofen or plain Tylenol as the naloxone can reverse the effects of codeine, so will not give you any pain relief from the codeine. If you are on Suboxone for narcotic (opiate) addiction it is often recommended to avoid other types of opioids like codeine.

For more information on this interaction see:,439-2040&consumer=1

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mommaofthree 19 June 2015

I had my front 6 teeth removed and a plate put in right away. The pain isn't that bad. take your molten and sleep as much as possible 48 to 72 hours after is when it will be peaking in throbbing minor pain. you may always b tempted to numb the pain but believe me when I say it's not worth it. You won't feel any better by taking an opioid it won't work because sub is a blocker. I'm positive if I can do it anyone can ;) plus i am terrified of the dentist. always puked before going in. lol your loved ones will b a great support system. best wishes

Votes: +1
mhelcl 30 April 2013

Yes, you can take it, but the codeine will be completely ineffective as it will get totaly blocked by Suboxone. You will not get sick but you should let your dentist know that you are on Suboxone. He might need to workout a different approach for managing your pain, codeine # 3 is not appropriate in your current situation.

Votes: +1
Janetm123 28 Sep 2012

It's best (while u r in therapy) to avoid any mind controlling drugs ( example: any drug, Rx , including over the counter medications ) while u r taking Suboxcene. Your Dr. Put you on this RX for a reason. And Suboxcene will block out any euphoric feelings you would normally feel from other OPIOD DRUGS. In the narcotic family.
When I stopped abusing pain killers 4 years ago, and was also treated with Suboxcene I made myself a promise " If I can at all cost ( except ones out of my controll) I will never take another OPIOD drug again. And I am proud to say so fat so good , now keep in mind this was also after my third relapses. And I would not want u to relapse over a Tylenol 3 with Codeine.
Hope this helps sorry to sound alittle harsh but I just know what can trigger relapse and that includes trips to the dentist

Votes: +1
Buddy1971 7 Sep 2012

Yes you can take any opiate on top of suboxone you just can't do it the other way around. If you take suboxone AFTER taking opiates you'll be sick as a s dog! And once your done with your T'3s your going to have to wait till your in withdrawal again or you'll go into precipitated withdrawal which is hell,but since it's only T3's & not something strong & they don't give you many for a tooth it shouldn't be bad at all. But anyone who says you can't is wrong,just not suboxone after dope(I call all opiates dope,but dope on top of sobos won't do anything except block some of the opiate effect. Hope this helps cuz it's the real deal believe me I know cuz I did it backwards once & oh boy was I sick,

Votes: +7
Inactive 7 Sep 2012

you are oh so wrong!!

Inactive 7 Sep 2012

sorry buddy... I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but you are...

Inactive 8 Sep 2012

If u take opiates after subs they don't work or get u sick. Well myself anyways. The sub just blocks the opiates and that's it. U wasted the opiates. But u can def take subs after opiates, once u feel crappy

Inactive 7 Sep 2012

dear Malaya, the codeine in the tylenol #3, will be blocked by the suboxone, and you will only get the relief of the Tylenol. You won't go into withdrawal tking opiates in top subs, it is when you take suboxone on top of opiates, tht precip occurs. Many drs and dentist, who aren't subs provider, do not really understand how it works, it blocks opiate, opiate withdrawal and opiate craving. If you have to have ANY surgery, even minor of dental, you should. Call your subs dr first, as you will have to be taken off subs temporarily, possibly go back short acting opiates PRE surgery, then the surgery, then after the course of short acting opiate has expire, you have to go back into withdrawal, in order to restart subs.


Taking more short acting opiate, while on subs, will NOT make it work faster, you didn't mention the mgs of subs you are on, but if it is at least 8 mgs, it will likely be several days before a short acting opiate will work for pain. The subs dr, the surgeon and the anesthesia dr, must all know of your suboxone use, to keep you safe while putting you to sleep, monitor you more closely and also so this type of situation doesn't arise. Patti. Call your subs dr, often they temprorarily up the subs dosage, to help with the pain also.

Votes: +4
Inactive 7 Sep 2012

Forgot to mention, that if you signed a No opiates while on subs paper for your subs dr, and he/she drug tests you, you will likely show positive for opiate and that might get you kicked out of the program. This is another reason it's pretty imortant to let your subs dr know if you need any surgery or opiates. If you tell them first, that you need surgery, they will work out an agreement on how to do proper protocol for surgery and so that short acting opiates will work. Just from seeing things like this happen to members of my subs group, you could easily get kicked out of the subs program by violating the drug policy. Some got warned by their drs, that the pharmacy called to let the subs dr know a patient of his filled an opiate rx, some got dropped, even by just filling the rx.


Not trying to scare you, please try to find your copy of the drug policy you signed when you first started the subs program, it may list what will happen, what will void your subs contract with the subs dr. You may have signed paperwork, when you were in moderate withdrawal, and NOT realized you signed a NO Opiate policy.

Paige78 9 Sep 2012

You're awesome, Patti! Thank you for always giving educated advice!

Inactive 9 Sep 2012

Thanks Paige. Suboxone is such an unusual medication, I think anyone who is rx'ed suboxone, should know as much as they can about it. So many people don't do the counseling, that is where I learned much of what I know about it. Both counselors I used, had so education about it and addiction, thqt both of them could have gone the PhD route. Both said thyr desired to help people more than they desired the PhD, so they kept working helping people. One bought a recovery center, the other works full time at one place and volunteers part time at another. Patti

Paige78 9 Sep 2012

Patti, why can't there be MORE counselors like that??? Makes me sad, but happy for you that you found such caring, and compassioate people!

onestaticone 10 Nov 2012

I am impressed. I just joined but have a lot more knowledge of Suboxone than some people including Drs. I have been taking it since 3/2008 and have filled my head with all kinds of Suboxone info. Glad to see I'm joining a very Suboxone smart group.

Inactive 10 Nov 2012

Welcome to the site. Sadly many who answered here don't seem to be active. Hope you can stick around. Patti

onestaticone 10 Nov 2012

Thanks Patti, I plan to hang around until I'm no longer wanted, needed, appreciated or enjoying things. LoL Robby Hippie Relic

subzero58 7 Sep 2012

NO,suboxone with the naloxone in it will make yosick u really sick. so just stick with motrin. you r better off with just plan old asprin or motrin

Votes: +1
subzero58 9 Sep 2012

if you take a suboxone the naloxone stays in your system anywhere between 2 to 12 hours.after 10-12 hours you can take an opiate but it better be a real strong one,you all know what i'm refering to. even then its gotts be stronger then the bup to kick it off your mu receptors. so why bother ty 3's would be a joke compared to buprenorphine.

onestaticone 10 Nov 2012

I'm only going to say this -

balbanese 7 Sep 2012

I would think you could but may not get any benefit from it. Probably best to ask the Doc who prescribes the sub so as to avoid any interaction and/or setback issues. Just a thought, hope it helps.

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suboxone, tylenol, tylenol with codeine, pain, codeine, medication

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