Starting from the beginning, I went to college in August 2012 and lost 30 pounds just from walking around campus through the semester even though I was eating my way through a depression. I was in the best shape of my life. Then, I was diagnosed with type 2 bipolar in December and had a severe allergic reaction to Lamictal through February requiring 2 steroid packs to clear the rash. Then, I was put on Depakote for 9 months starting in March of 2013. I gained 25 pounds in the first two weeks of taking it. A couple months after I started Depakote I started taking Topamax to help with the weight gain and it didn't really do anything. After stopping Depakote I switched to Lithium in December of 2013. Then I stopped Lithium in August 2014 and I'm only of Topamax and some other anxiety meds and an antidepressant. All this time later all of my meds are specifically chosen to not cause weight gain and even though my diet is the same as two years ago and my exercise routine is more extreme with heavy cardio I STILL can't lose this weight. It makes me sick that these drugs could have screwed my life this much. I just want to know that losing this weight is possible.