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I am female why have I been given tamsulosin to take for bladder problems?

4 Answers

Sychrade 19 June 2019

Yes, it is perfectly fine to take this medication as a women. It relaxes your Urinary Tract muscles and makes it easier to Urinate & pass a Kidney stone too.

A lot of women actually take this medication for bladder issues.

I personally take this medication myself for my bladder issues, I find it works well. I am a 21 year old female.

Take care and you'll be alright. You are safe don't worry dear.

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thunderdream 11 Nov 2018

I was given it for a kidney stone. The pharmacy tech gasped and asked if I had stones. Darn thing never passed, because it’s small. If I do not drink enough water for days-I know it.

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lucyb78 8 Oct 2013

I was prescribed that also and when I went to the pharmacy to get it filled they asked if it was for me and gave me a weird look because they usually prescribe it for men. My doc said some of his patients have had good success with it. Unfortunately for me it had bad side effects like cold sweats, dizziness, rapid heart beat and nausea. I quit taking it and just deal with my retention issues. I seem to have bad side effects with lots of meds I take though. Hopefully it will help you.

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abenido1 1 April 2014

I too am taking. I have kidney stones. The doctor was shocked to see a woman. The drug has not worked on me either. The kidney stones haven't right kidney is four (4) times larger than the left.on the 21st of April 1914 they will retrieve them with a small claw. It's an easy surgery but I'm still a little scared since I have thee impression I'm his first female, diabetic and having it done at the VA hospital.

kaismama 8 Oct 2013

Because it relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract and they've found at times it helps women.

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tamsulosin, bladder, female

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