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Does olanzapine make you sleepy, and gain weight?


itsmetoo2 13 Dec 2009

This medication can make you sleepy. But I did not see anything on weight gain. For a list of other side effects check this web site out.

Votes: +0
agape1111 2 April 2011

Yes, olanzapine is well known to cause weight gain by slowng down glucose and lipid metabolism, its a very effective drug though.

richirfirefly 5 Nov 2013

Olanzapine is both very sedating and can cause extreme weight gain. I have been on the maximum dosage for it for about 2 years now. I gained 3 stone in weight from the drug but I was too skinny for my height so I welcomed the weight gain. I like the sleep it gives me as I used to suffer insomnia, I find after about an hour of taking it I fall into a very deep sleep.

andreasmith 29 Dec 2013

i found olanzapine to be really good at controlling my manic episodes, but i had other side effects including disturbed sleep, bad itching of the skin on my neck and cleavage and large rapid gain of weight approximately 80 pounds. However i would not go off it as it has been the only thing that controls my mania. free discount card

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insomnia, olanzapine, weight

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