Its happened slowly over the course of 10 days, but ive developed very itchy skin, with tiny hives, mainly my arms and my scalp itches. It gets worse at night and when i take my melatonin , 3 or 5mg, an hour later it tends to get worse. Im taking melatonin because i just finished being tapered off remeron and it helps very much with the rebound insomnia. But im worried now that all this itching is from the melatonin? Could it be from remeron discontinuation? I tapered from 15mg to 5mg on the remeron, then the doc pulled me off. Ive been off for 10 days. I dont want to take any perscription sleep aids, my nervous system is so sensitive to all that. Not good for me. What else would help me sleep? Sleepytime tea with valerian root?:advil pm? So my questions are... is the itching likely melatonin or remeron discontinuation? And, what else for sleep? Tbank u so much...