This animation depicts hypertension caused by pre-eclampsia that adversely affects the fetus by causing constriction of the placental arteries.
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Ovulation Animation
This animation shows the process of ovulation (the release a single egg cell from an ovary). Ovulation occurs though a sequence of hormonal responses. Located deep within the brain, the pituitary gland releases the hormones FSH and LH, which travel through the blood stream to the ovaries. These hormones signal the development and release a single egg cell from one of the ovaries. The sweeping motion of the fimbriae draws the egg cell through a very small space in the open body cavity into the uterine, or fallopian, tube. The egg cell will either be fertilized by sperm or will dissolve if fertilization does not take place.
Breast lift
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Emergency Contraceptive Pills: How They Work, Safety and Side Effects
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Other Options for Emergency Contraception: ella and the Copper IUD
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