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Results for 'Pain Muscle Spasm Anxiety and Stress Depression Panic Disorder Back Pain'

Does Valium work well for a muscle relaxer?

I’m allergic to so many of the muscle relaxers, I want to try something different. I take methocarbamol without a problem but it... read more

Can grapefruit juice cause pain medications to not show up on a urine drug test?

My husband drinks a lot of grapefruit juice and recently was required to have a urine drug test to make sure he was taking his Lortab, Xanax, Soma... read more

Soma - Will Tramadol relieve a moderately severe muscle spasm/pinched nerve?

On going for over a week, got better but now it is back. Starting at the bace of the scull going along the spine to right above the bra line... read more

Wellbutrin, has anyone experienced hard or rapid & irregular heartbeats, muscle back pain, insomnia?

Loss of appetite and cannot gain any weight? This all makes me anxious and the whole reason I went on it was for depression and... read more

What will amitriptyline make me feel like?

I have high levels of anxiety and also have back pain from a number of problems. Will the amitriptyline take care of... read more

Is Valium from all those benzos the 'safest' ?

Most people 'adults'either know or have heard of Valium,but when asked about other benzodiazepines,they hesitate,may know one or two!So,is... read more

Scared the nerve pain won’t go away?

I have severe lower back pain that’s radiating down my legs. What is radiating down my leg are these awful painful spasms.... read more

Has anyone read that Flexeril is somewhat similiar to antidepressants?

I have 'flare ups' of sciatica, back pain & muscle spasms. Been diagnosed in my 20's with... read more

Oxcarbazepine - Chest pain? Sudden spasms?

I'm curious if anyone experiences chest pain, burning in their chest, or stabbing feelings in their chest, and sudden shakes or... read more

Nerve damage causing muscle to spasm and cramp. the pain is unbearable!

What does anyone reccomend for muscle pains in my legs, back, pretty much all over the body. Muscle spasms are the best I can to... read more

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