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Results for 'Diovan Sleep Disorders Diphenhydramine Hypertension Sleep Medicine High Blood Pressure Left Ventricular Dysfunction'

When on blood pressure meds, what herbal supplementation for sleep cause possible problems?

I take blood pressure meds (lisinopril and chlorthalidone) & I am looking to take herbals to help me sleep. Can I... read more

Whats causing dizziness & high blood pressure?

Hi everyone , InnerSpirit here . I'm under a pain management doctors care. I've been on cymbalta for the past 8 months for fibromyalgia,... read more

Is it best to take valsartan in the morning or in the evening?

I take one 80mg valsartan every evening. Is it best to take this drug in the evening?

Losartan vs Valsartan - What's the difference between them?

Metoprolol 25mg making me feel drowsy and tired during the day , and at nights I cant sleep at all?

I was recently diagnosed with High blood Pressure and was given metoprolol 25mg and i know its a low dose but it makes me feel... read more

Does using sleep aids (unisom) cause High Blood Pressure?

I never had high blood pressure until I started using over the counter sleep aids.

Why would a doctor prescribe Clonidine to take with ambien to help me sleep?

I thought Clonidine was for high blood pressure. Why would this help for insomnia?

What is the strength of Prexxartan (valsartan) oral solution?

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