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Results for 'Clonidine Dosage Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Anxiety Bipolar Disorder'

Is it fine to take Ativan and clonidine together?!?

I had a seizure the other night and the doctor prescribed me with Ativan and I take it 3 times a day one when I get up mid of day then when I go to... read more

Is bladder control affected by the use of Clonidine HCL, Focalin XR or Risperidone in children?

My grandson is six years old and is on Clonidine HCL, Focalin XR and Risperidone. He has problems going to the bathroom in time to urinate and... read more

Can Quebree be taken with clonidine?

My handsome son is autistic and has ADHD . He was recently prescribed Quelbree. He’s already on risperidone, guanfacine, valproic acid,... read more

Bipolar disorder and ADD/ADHD.

I have bipolar depression and ADD (not ADHD) I’m on 50mg Mydayis, 150mg bupropion 10mg Ambien for insomnia, bupropion... read more

Whats the strongest and best medication for ADHD and Bipolar?

Whats the strongest and best medication for ADHD and Bipolar? If it is really bad. On high dosage of Concerta, Methylphenidate,... read more

ADHD - Is my Adderall dosage is too high?

So I'm 25, I have SEVERE anxiety issues, panic attacks, and I was on anti depressants for 3 years. My doctor then decided I was... read more

Has anyone experienced anxiety disorder and low mood and had success with this?

I suffer from social anxiety and general anxiety, but also low mood (lethargy, low motivation, overwhelm, ADHD type symptoms). ... read more

How does escitalopram effect people that have a history of childhood ADHD?

I was wondering if this would actually make my anxiety worse that it already is, because of my history of ADHD. I know that in some... read more

Anyone familiar with giving 6yr old Clonidine to sleep?

My 6 yr old with severe ADHD is on Concerta. He takes it at like 8am. He cant fall asleep till like 11pm-1am. We were using Melatonin which... read more

What will happen if I continue to smoke while taking Zupion SR - bupropion?

i am taking this medicine for treatment of depression and anxiety disorder. I smoke 12-15 cigarretes a day. I heard that it is... read more

Oral mouth swab drug test results if taking these medications.

Can taking Ativan and sertraline together cause an oral mouth swab to register for any form of amphetamines. What will the results show on a drug... read more

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