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Results for 'Ciprofloxacin Metronidazole Antibiotic Antibiotics'

Is Ciprofloxacin the best antibiotic for 2nd degree skin burns?

I have 2nd degree burn with blisters. How should I treat this ?

My urologist has prescribed ciprofloxacin for UTI's three times in the last six months. Each time my

... side effects seem to get worse and last longer. I've balked at taking Cipro but a urine culture shows that it is the only antibiotic... read more

What is the best antibiotic to treat a sinus infection?

I aam taking ciprofloxacin and metronidazole for diverticulitis of sigmoid colon disorder?

If I drank alcohol in combination with the two drugs ciprofloxacin and metronidazole will I get liver damage? Such as few beers...

Metronidazole - Why do these antibiotics make me feel sick and drain?

I have diverticuliti for almost 20 years this year has been bad I had a flared up in January and February they put me antibiotics and sent me... read more

What is the protocol to treat a patient sensitive to or allergic to the appropriate antibiotic?

I have a UTI. It was cultured as sensitive to sulfa, which I am allergic to (I am also allergic to penicillin, but so far I have been able to... read more

Antibiotics and Vaginal Bleeding (I'm not on birth control, is this normal?)?

I got my wisdom teeth removed last month and they got inflected so now I'm taking antibiotics, Amoxicillin Trihydrate (3 times a day) and... read more

Triple Antibiotic - for jock itch?

After many attempts using powders, creams etc for jock itch for relief I decided to try triple antibiotic. The result is less irritability,... read more

What antibiotics are used to treat UTI?

I took antibiotics (metronidazole) for Bacterial vaginosis... now suffering from Yeast Infection?

Wonder if I can get any Medicine to cure this without having prescription? And Will I Go Through Any Other infection After Curing the yeast ... just... read more

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