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Results for 'Ativan Zoloft Diazepam Panic Disorder Disorder Psychiatry Prescription Anxiety Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder'

Sertraline - Help horrible heart burn from 50mg Zoloft what to do?

Started on 25 mg for 10 days doc uped it 50 mg horrible heartburn and burnt gas how can I cure this?

Zoloft works and then stops working?

I have been on Zoloft for 10 weeks. I was originally on 60mg for about 6 years and it stopped working so we switched to a few others that... read more

How long does Zoloft take to work?

I have been on Zoloft for about 5 weeks and i have maybe seen a slight improvement in my anxiety but nothing major yet.... read more

How do you know Zoloft is starting to work?

Was wondering if anyone could share with me what they noticed when zoloft started working for them? Was it small tiny improvements at first or... read more

How long does Zoloft (sertraline) take to work?

How long for an increased dose of Zoloft to work?

I want to now how the drug zoloft effices the brain?

i want to now how it effictes the brain over all

What can I expect the first month of taking Zoloft 50 mg?

What can I expect the first month of taking Zoloft 50 mg?

Prozac vs Zoloft - What are the Differences & Similarities?

Could anyone tell me about their experience with Zoloft?

How long does it takes to start feeling the benefits of taking this medicine? Thank you very much!

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