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Results for 'Ativan Anxiety Sleep Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder Sleep Opiate'

Can Ativan cause long term anxiety?

I have had trouble sleeping for years and so my mom asked my doctor for meds to help me sleep. Without consulting me my doctor decided... read more

I've been taking 1mg of Ativan for 5 weeks and want to stop?

Hi, I developed tinnitus 2 months ago and it completely shattered my life. I couldn't stop thinking about it, i couldn't... read more

I recently started 25mg valdoxan and also Ativan to help sleep. My face is breaking out...

... though. Has anyone experienced this? I also find i am waking at around 3am. Does this pass? Thanks all

Can hydroxyzine hcl be used as a sleep aid?

My doctor said that this is used to treat itching and anxiety. My rosacea got out of hand, caused me terrible itching. My doctor... read more

Sleep Disorders - Best drugs to treat strong anxiety and OCD-like tendencies -?

... relentless compulsive thoughts. Quick overview: I have dealt with strong anxiety and obsessive thoughts about sleep... read more

Insomnia due to anxiety about not getting to sleep?

I have had issues with trying to control sleep for many years. Taking 1.5 milligrams of Ativan before bedtime helps me... read more

Hydroxyzine - Terrified to take my first dose?

I have severe anxiety. I am going through menopause and I take Lorazepam, 1 mg at night so I can sleep. My... read more

Is low dose naltrexone effective for pain, anxiety, and sleep?

I'm trying to decide between this and amitriptyline. This seems to have way less side effects.

When does stamina return?

Just stopped Prozac and was put on Mirtazapine. I’ve lost too much weight due to anxiety. I find that trying to keep up with... read more

How long Does it take for Paxil to work?

I started Paxil 7 days ago and I am having sever anxiety where I cant even sleep. My doctor prescribe me 10mg of Paxil... read more

Can I take 30mg of my Temazepam in the morning to help with my anxiety?

Curious to to know if I could take 30mg’s of my Temazepam prescription in the mornings, rather than at night, as it doesn’t allow me to... read more

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