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Results for 'Artane Side Effect Extrapyramidal Reaction Parkinson's Disease'

Why should you not discontinue amantadine?

What happens when you stop taking amantadine?

How long does it take for amantadine to start working?

What is Gocovri used to treat?

What symptoms does amantadine treat?

How long until Cogentin is completely out of my system?

I took Cogentin for 4 months and it caused awful water weight gain and water toxicity due to Urinary Retention. I was advised to stop taking it... read more

What is the difference between Osmolex ER and Gocovri?

Parkinson's Disease - Our doctor prescribed Seroquel for my wife’s hallucinations caused by...

... Parkinsons today. I’ve read that the only drug approved for Parkinsons patients is Nuplazid.... read more

How long before Vimpat is out of your body?

I began taking Vimpat for Parkinson's Disease 3 weeks ago and it has been awful with the more common side effects of... read more

Side effect of carbidopa / levodopa 25-100mg 3 times a day?

Recently I was diagnosed with PD and put on carbidopa / levodopa 25-100mg 3 times a day to help with the tremors. For lack of a better way to... read more

How do Parkinson's disease medications work?

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