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Counterfeit "Lipitor" Sold in the United Kingdom

Audience: Consumers and healthcare professionals

[Posted 08/02/2005] FDA alerted U.S. residents to the recent recall of a batch of counterfeit "Lipitor" (atorvastatin) sold in the United Kingdom (U.K.). The medicine is used to treat high cholesterol. The counterfeit Lipitor 20mg tablets were recalled in the U.K. on July 28, 2005. Health authorities in the U.K. stated that initial results of tests performed on the counterfeit drugs do not indicate that this product poses an immediate risk to patients. Some U.S. residents may have obtained prescription drugs from the U.K. through on-line or storefront operations that do not supply legitimate, FDA-approved products, or through state-run drug importation programs that facilitate the purchase of unapproved foreign drugs. Consumers who purchase drugs through these arrangements may have received these counterfeit products. U.S. patients who have the identified U.K. drugs should stop using them and should consult their physician or pharmacist if they have any questions or concerns.

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