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Can you shower with Neulasta on body injector?

Medically reviewed by Melisa Puckey, BPharm. Last updated on July 24, 2023.

Can you shower with Neulasta on-body injector (OBI) / Neulasta Onpro? Can you get the Neulast Onpro wet?

Official answer


Can you shower with the Neulasta on-body injector?

Yes, you can have a short shower with a Neulasta on-body injector (OBI) in place on your skin.

If you do have a shower you need to:

  • try and avoid getting the on-body injector overly wet
  • avoid using soap near or on the on-body injector
  • be careful that you don’t knock the on-body injector and dislodge the on-body injector
  • pat dry the area carefully, do NOT rub the area, do NOT dry with a heat source
  • time your shower so the one-body injector is dry for at least 3 hour before it is due to administer the Neulasta
  • avoid getting body lotions, creams, oils near or on the on-body injector as these products may loosen the adhesive.

You should avoid using bath tubs, hot tubs, whirlpools, or saunas.

How long does the on-body injector need to be dry before it administers Neulasta?

The Neulasta on-body injector needs to be dry for at least 3 hours before the dose of Neulasta is due to start.

If you are going to have a shower it is important to have your shower at a time that will allow the on-body injector to air dry naturally.

Neulasta On-body injector is designed to start dispensing the Neulasta dose 27 hours after it has been applied to the skin and takes 45 minutes to be administered.

One of the reasons the Neulasta on-body injector needs to be dry before dose administration starts, is that it makes it possible to detect leaking from the on-body injector in the case of on-body injector malfunctioning.

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Bottom Line:

  • You may have a shower with the Neulasta on-body injector in place on your skin, but you need to be careful.
  • Try not to get the on-body injector overly wet, avoid any soap on and around the on-body injector, pat the area dry afterwards and avoid moisturisers, body lotions and oils near or on the OBI.
  • Do NOT use bath tubs, hot tubs, whirlpools, or saunas.
  • Your OBI needs to be dry for at least 3 hours before the OBI is due to deliver the Neulasta dose

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